
blogger wtf?

Blogger seems to have eaten everything I did on it yesterday. I had a pretty good post about Newt Gingrich. Did anyone see it?

UPDATE Per Blogger, they are aware of the issue and are working to restore posts from yesterday. So keep watching the space below this one. Or not.


Dave said...

I was getting ready to email you to ask if you had deleted the Newt post ... but then coughed it up to the our neo-fascist government internet.

Brian said...

I did not delete it. However, I also added some tags to some recent posts yesterday, and those are gone as well.

So it seems to be a general fuck-up rather than a targeted strike.

Of course, they would probably want me to think that...

Gino said...

i was gonna comment substantially on your newt post, but blogger wouldnt let me.

so, i'll just say it in person in a couple days instead...