
immigration reform in our time?

We've a ways to go, but it seems a lot more likely than it did yesterday.

I'll withhold judgement until I've had some time to digest specifics, but the broad strokes of this look promising, and it would appear the White House is on board.

Glad to hear that some Republicans (in the Senate at least) seem to have found a new top political priority.


RW said...

Like somebody said, it's hard for people to vote for you when they think you're going to deport their grandma.

Brian said...

BUT, BUT...LOOK OVER HERE! WE HAVE A CUBAN! (That's pretty much the same thing as a Mexican, right?)

Brian said...

Mexico has its own commies. They're just less successful.

RW said...

Oh. maybe a Cuban is a Mexican with rhythm...

Gino said...

mexicans have rhythm of their own.

RW said...

OK. So A Cuban is a Mexican with Rickie Ricardo in the family. Don't ask me, ask the typical American trog.

Brian said...

Funnily enough, my favorite Mexican sandwich is a torta Cubana.

Brian said...

Which bears no resemblance to a Cuban sandwich whatsoever, except for also involving meat between pieces of bread.

Gino said...

the Cuban Bread at Publix is pretty good for Italian sandwhiches, though.