
sometimes i repeat myself, too

Me, over three years ago:

The only way airline security has a prayer of being 1) effective, AND 2) not completely absurd, is to make each individual airline responsible for the security of its own flights.

Locks on cockpit doors? The only reason it took so long for that to happen--the airlines were waiting for the government to do it. If the airlines knew it was on them, how much do you want to bet they would have been installed on 90% of planes by September 18, 2001? (It's not like they were flying them that week, you know.)

Long lines at security? Do you think the TSA gives a shit if you miss your flight and have to rebook? Do you think the airlines might?

If/when there is another terrorist incident on an American flight, what will happen in the TSA? Do you think anyone will get fired? Do you think their budget will be cut? If anything, more people will be hired, and the budget will be increased. [Ed. Clearly I overlooked pointless, stupid fucking rules will be added.] If the airlines were responsible for their own security, how long do you think the airline on which the incident occurred would be able to stay in business?

OK--so who really has an incentive to keep you safe when you fly?

Next time you're going through airport security, take a good long look at the person telling you to take your shoes off, and tell me if you really believe they're doing this job because they want to make a difference.

To which I will only add that they can have my book during the last hour of flight when they pry it from my cold, urine-soaked pants.

1 comment:

Gino said...

if i was running an airline, it would be mulsim-free.

that is, if the feds would keep the courts and the ACLU off my ass.

if not, i would do the smart thing: shift responsibility to the feds.