I do hope the wife likes 'em. Because I do.
Considering that they cost less than 1/4 of my last pair (and I got basically every upgrade available...super high index, scratch coated, etc...I am blind as a bat and beat the shit out of everything I own), I consider taking the risk and ordering them online to have been entirely worthwhile. Check out Zenni if you are in the market.
dont know where you got that much glass. coke stopped coming in bottles a few years ago.
hey, i can talk...
i got 20/100 near sighted both eyes, and refused to get the bifocals the opt suggested.
Love the glasses--probably because they're practically a dead-ringer for mine!
I'm still in denial regarding bifocals. I've spent my entire life missing everything that's at a distance. Now I can't see anything that's too close, either.
How fair is that?!
Anyway, not to worry; most women love a bargain. The Mrs. will adore your new specs!
I'd say sufficiently proper. But what;s funny is when this comment box pops up, only the tip of your nose shows.
yeah, i was amazed about how cheap those frames were. it is almost worth buying two!
Look pretty nice!
they are VERY ira glass of you.
that's hot
"I am blind as a bat and beat the shit out of everything I own."
I knew a guy like that.
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