

It's something I value and strive for. So rather than recapitulate recent events in the horse race, I'll simply quote this guy.

So Paul has to rake in a cool $5 million in one day to be mentioned in the MSM, and Obama just has to walk into a church. And Huckabee just has to smile. Well fuck.


I'm pretty sure the Huckabubble© will burst, and as much as I'd like to see Obama take Clinton out, Democrat primary voters have a nasty habit of nominating the candidate most likely to have been a hall monitor. (The previous Clinton being the obvious--and most successful--exception.)

You know...even if you aren't inclined to support Ron Paul, you have to admit that it'd be fun to watch all the heads exploding if he actually won.


chris said...

I am wishing many presidential BJs for your candidate this Chreezmas.

Gino said...

i'm thinkin it looks like gomer pyle and darwood are gonna battle it out to the finish.

and any day now, something nasty will happen to obama, and he'll end up as hillary's white house lawn jockey.

Brian said...

I'm actually cheering (not voting) for Obama, not only b/c he's Not Hillary, but because he could once and for all put the necktie out of fashion.

Who's Darwood?

Gino said...

the razor-parted, slick-haired hubby of samantha.

ya never seen 'bewitched'?