
nothing to see here...

So just as the FBI is about to charge the (latest) alleged mastermind behind the post-9/11 anthrax mailings, he offs himself. Just some things to think about:

1) Speaking as a scientist with access to stuff a lot less carefully monitored than anthrax, I'm pretty sure I could get my hands on a much more pleasant way to kill myself than Tylenol with codiene, were that my inclination, and since I wouldn't plan on sticking around for the consequences, probably wouldn't hesitate to do it, either.

2) The FBI has a pretty spotty record of settling on the wrong suspect in high-profile cases, including this one.

3) The narrative of a troubled scientist with access to the stuff being responsible for the mailings, and electing to kill himself at the news of impending prosecution, naturally, makes complete sense, and may very well reflect reality. The only reason I (and I suspect many others) feel skeptical about all of this is because our government has lied to us repeatedly about any and all things relating to terrorism for the better part of the last decade.

I'm just sayin'.


Joseph H. Vilas said...

Convenient, wasn't it?

Gino said...

i dont doubt the govt 'lies' here and there on a daily basis, but to think that the govt lies about everything is going a little far.

i just believe the govt, and those who comprise it, are incompetant, and cant get much of anything right if they tried.