
12:26 PM barackalpse '91: hey
what ru doin?
ru looking at russia?
12:28 PM lipstickpitbull2012: ur such an a-hole sometimes
barackalpse '91: aw baby don't be that way
u know how really feel about you
i'm just having a little fun
12:29 PM

lipstickpitbull2012: whatever
hey how's the economy doing?
create any new jobs today?
12:30 PM where are you getting that bajillion dollars anyway? You can only raise so much cash raffling off abortions or whatever it is you liberals do when you need money
barackalpse '91
: ur so stupid
bajillion isn't even a real number
anyway that's a low blow
especially since I wanted to compliment you
12:31 PM

for what?

barackalpse '91: for picking such a great running mate for '12
bobby's speech was *awesome*

lipstickpitbull2012: really?
12:32 PM barackalpse '91: oh yeah, totally. way better than mine
you an he are going to be unstopable

12:33 PM

you really think so?

barackalpse '91: LOL
12:34 PM lipstickpitbull2012: that's not funny
barackalpse '91: i'm sorry
hey when are you coming back to the WH?
i miss you...

12:35 PMlipstickpitbull2012: i can't just fly over there any time you want me to, you know
i have a state to run
and people may start to notice...M would totally kick my ass if she found out

barackalpse '91: yeah she would
that's why we aren't going to let her find out
don't worry
besides she's all worried about the interns
won't let me hire any good-looking ones
damn clinton ruined it for the rest of us...

12:36 PMlipstickpitbull2012: you don't NEED interns
you're classier than that
i can be there on Tuesday

barackalpse '91: i love you
lipstickpitbull2012: don't say that unless you mean it...

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