
more listing

Why? Why not? Via RW...feel free to run with it...

...a strange combination of food you like to snack on.
2 fried eggs (over easy), cruchy peanut butter, and Srirahca on whole wheat toast.

...something you do that other bloggers who read you might find odd if they saw you doing it. Pretty much anything in my actual job.

...when you were 7, what you wanted to be when you grew up - that you never told anyone about. A professional wrestler.

...the thing you don't tell people at work about yourself.
I played drums in a Christian rock band when I was a teenager.

...what you like to do when no one else is going to be home for a stretch of time. Watch football, during the season, or movies I know my wife would hate (generally old stuff and/or war movies).

...the thing you believe - politically - that you don't admit to people who think you think like they do.
Depends on who I'm hanging out with, b/c my politics are sufficiently eclectic that a lot of different people assume that I think like they do. Among lefties, that I think everyone has a God-given right to be armed to the teeth; among righties, that I think the military should be gutted down to our own version of the Swiss milita; and among libertarians, that I think the NIH and NSF budgets should be quadrupled (which would be easily managed with the savings from gutting the military). Sorry, I know that's 3 things. So sue me.

...that one thing from your childhood, outside of your parents, that you try to maintain some kind of connection with, and how. I honestly can't think fo a thing. My childhood was great, but so is my adulthood.

...a song or group or singer you secretly like that everyone else groans about. Pick any Scandanavian metal band

...do you close the bathroom door when you're the only one home? I don't always close it when I'm not.