
my 80's music--g n' r

Did Guns n' Roses do anything exceptional or innovative? No.

Did they change the musical landscape in such a way that it can be divided neatly into "before" and "after" them? Not really.

Did they kick ass?

Yes. Yes they did.

And you know what? I'm glad they only really produced two full-length studio albums (OK, three if you count "Use Your Illusion" as two). I'm thankful they imploded in a few short years. I'm thrilled that they didn't hang around long enough to produce an experimental album, or a midlife crisis album, or to end up on the has-been circuit playing tiny clubs and casinos.

They played unapologetic, balls to the wall rock, and they flamed out in true rock and roll fashion.


1 comment:

Gino said...

innovative? as you said, not at all. so much like a baby aerosmith.

loved it, every minute of it.
