

On a day when an American politician is being lauded the world over for his foresight, I think it is only appropriate to point out this quote by another American politician--one who is actually running for president this year--that I found in an article on the same:

"Our current foreign policy does nothing more than stir the flames of hatred on both sides... Hatred towards America will continue to escalate, and the United States security will continue to diminish due to the threat of terrorist attacks... The greatest threat to our national security is our own bad policy. [emphasis added]"

That was Ron Paul, speaking on the floor of Congress.

In 2000.

(Dr. Paul's statement in full an be found in the Congressional Record here.)


Gino said...

why is he deemed radical when his ideas are the time tested norm that we've lost site of?

what IS radical is the idea that we can keep doing the wrong shit better this time.

i think i made a quotable quote.

Brian said...

Man you commented fast...I'm still editing this post!

Anyway...Paul seems radical because the ideals for which he stands are, in fact, radically and uniquely American. The extent to which the U.S. has deviated from its own founding ideals is the extent to which it has repeated the mistakes of previous societies (esp., the Roman and British empires).