
sports medicine bleg (or, a post about my groin)

Yeah, sorry.

Since I count among my readership a good number (and variety) of amateur athletes (how many ACL surgeries among the old ultimate team is it now?) and at least one bona fide MD, I'm just going to throw this one out there.

Is anyone aware of an injury/condition that manifests like a classic groin pull/strain, except:

1) I cannot pinpoint a moment of acute injury
2) During normal, non-strenuous activity, there is no pain (except for a period of time after an acute incident, see (4) below)
3) There is no external sign of inflammation (also no visible or palpable herniation as far as I can tell, standing, lying down, coughing, etc.)
4) Lifting and twisting of the leg on the affected side (think putting on pants while standing), OR, any sudden lunging type movement (like when your dog decides to suddenly cut across your line on a short leash and you trip over him) results in shooting, blinding pain that makes you contemplate passing out and/or throwing up (and also makes walking suddenly very uncomfortable).

And please don't say sports hernia, OK? Really.

As far as my typical level of activity, I run 10-20 miles a week (typically 3-6 miles at a time, pace from 9-7:30/mile), do some high-intensity/low rep weight training 1-2 times a week, and walk with the dog (1-3 miles) daily. Some yoga once a week or so, when I have time, which I haven't in a couple of months. I haven't really done any sports that involve cutting or sprinting in years.


Sara said...


I am sorry to read about this.

I have no clue as to what is could be...except perhaps a sports hernia. Just kidding.

Have you increased your activity level at all recently? Sometimes even a really good run where I go a little faster and longer than usual can cause something to flare up in me.

Good luck and I hope this resolves quickly.


Brian said...

Thanks for the kind words, Sara.

If anything, my activity level lately has been a bit lower...though my cumulative activity over the past few months (which probably counts for more) has been fairly high.

After a week off of running but with continued walking and a couple of sessions on the (boring, hated, awful) stationary bike, I tried running today and was actually pretty OK. I started slow and never got any faster than about 80% of my normal speed--I could feel a little soreness in the first 15 minutes, but it was manageable. I may pay for it later, but it's worth it as far as I am concerned.