
i'm bored with this

Are you?

Seriously, I'm asking.

I have another project in the works, but it will have a much, much more limited appeal...basically I am thinking about getting a science blog going that is more or less focused on the stuff I work on and closely related issues. It would be non-anonymous (as opposed to the quasi-anonymity I enjoy here), and since it would be closely tied to my professional life I would be minding my P's and Q's much more so than I do around here.

In other words, it would be a lot less entertaining. But then again, I don't think my future is in entertainment, ya' know?

History suggests that I don't manage multiple online personalities particularly well over the long haul.

So I don't know what would happen here, if I really threw myself into it. More to the point I'm not sure that I care. But maybe that's just the rain talking.

I'm not fishing for you to tell me how much you love reading my blog and hang on every word that I post. Really. I'm just talking here.


Joseph H. Vilas said...

Yeah, I used to think that too. Now I'm up to 4 blogs, I think. :) The main one does suffer from lack of love, but it's ok. It's not like there's a requirement you post every so often.

Besides, anonymity has its advantages.

chris said...

Meh, it's up to you. It's not like I have some right to your life and time on earth. Mostly I just read it for the self-serving purpose of "keeping up" with old friends and to satisfy the minute hankering that exists within most humans for good, ol' fashioned voyeurism.

Gino said...

ever stop to think that maybe some of us love reading your blog and hang on every word that you post. Really.

RW said...

No. I'm not. And if you quit I will hunt you down like the mangy dog you are!

KeepDurhamDifferent! said...

Just keep reading the other durham blogs and come to my defense when you agree. We libertarians need to stick together.

Anonymous said...

Jesus - you still write this thing?