
this is not an endorsement

A pro-empire Republican losing a presidential election and this loss being credibly attributed to the impact of an ex-Republican LP nominee who is essentially a Goldwater-style conservative would, in my humble opinion, be the best thing that has happened to the Republican Party since Nixon resigned.


Allison Kort said...

I agree, except for that whole raising taxes thing.

I'm having fun watching the LP 'purists' slander Barr and his PAC. He's the best LP candidate since Howard Stern.

chris said...

It'd be even funnier if it hurt the Dems. Ha! Like those pussies would vote for individual freedoms. What was I thinking?

I've been giving two seniors that are going to vote for Obama absolute hell for the last few weeks. It was best when one of them asked me for a dime after school to buy a soda. I made it a point that he didn't have to vote for a socialist to get money out of my pocket and that his odds of getting that next dime were directly proportional to it ending up in my pocket to begin with.

Gino said...

chris: dont you work for a govt paycheck?