
where spare time goes to die

We got a Wii this weekend. And Guitar Hero III.

Man I'm really glad I didn't get this while I was still in school.


chris said...

From the title alone, I thought you were talking about YouTube.

I like Rockband better because I prefer playing the fake drums over the fake guitar/bass. I'd have to say of the fake instruments, it's the least fakiest.

Brian said...

I think I find the drums on Rockband frustrating for the same reasons people who actually know how to play guitar find guitar hero frustrating...

Seriously, though, the tennis game on Wii is pretty sweet.

RW said...

I stopped at Zelda...

chris said...

I'll bet you love the "kick-drum" response even more than I do.

rob said...

My condolences. I played the tennis and Guitar Hero with Karl when I was in Tucson last month. I am actually so out of shape that I was sore for days. Maybe I'll get one once I'm a real doctor.

Gino said...

played guitar hero one time, last november, when my nephew showed it to me.
i hear one of those discs even has Holiday In Cambodia on it. I'll have to check that out.

and what the hell is 'zelda'?

Brian said...

Gino--I assume your offspring is (are?) a bit younger than either myself or rw's kids (who I think are about the same age as me)...because otherwise you'd probably still have the theme music for The Legend of Zelda stuck in your head (I'm sure my parents do). Consider yourself lucky.

Yeah, Holiday in Cambodia is featured on GHIII...though the only other good punk song I can recall on the game is Anarchy in the UK. However, it does include both the contestants in my 80's thrash metal battle of the bands from a couple of months back, which makes me very happy.

Actually, a significant chunk of the songs on the game could be found in my tape/CD collection c. 1987-1996 or so, which is probably no accident.

Gino said...

19 & 21, they are.

but, i've been divorced from their mother, and mostly them (physically), for 9 yrs.

rob said...

Check out this kid on the Dragonforce. I could barely get through a Foghat song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTpBwxEg0VM

Brian said...

That is sick...