
dum dum dum dum dum....

I'm sure I am inviting charges of religious bigotry by pointing this out, but...

94% of Mormons voted for Mitt Romney according to CNN. I mean, I assumed he would do very well among LDS voters, but I've seen less unanimity in ant farms.

On a tangentially related note, Mike Huckabee makes me very thankful that Baptists can barely agree on where to eat lunch.


chris said...

That accomplishment would only be more difficult for Mr. Romney if he were running against a black Mormon.

Anonymous said...

Two explanations:

1) Some of the more radical LDS splinter groups think Romney is too "establishment" (i.e., Ron Paul would be more likely to let them live in peace / bigamy).

2) Some Mormons are smart.

Brian said...

David--I assume you mean to explain why it wasn't 100%?