
my candidate

Calvin Coolidge in 1924.

It is probably (and sadly) no coincidence that the first time a Presidential address was committed to film with sound was the last time a Presidential address made any damn sense.

"The staggering sum of $700 million."

Today the only thing staggering about that figure is how low it is (adjusting for inflation, that figure is roughly equivalent to $10 billion, at most...yeah, still pretty staggering in an era where the DOD burns through $2-3 billion in Iraq every week.


1 comment:

chris said...

I'm a big fan of determining what type of Republican or Democrat people are. For example, if I had to label myself as a Republican, I'd have to say I was a Coolidge Republican. Definitely not a Nixon, or Bush I or II. And if I had to be a type of Democrat, I'd have to be a Grover Cleveland Democrat.

How about you?